Marden Flooding 2019
Most residents will already be well aware of the flooding that has taken place in Marden and other nearby villages – including Yalding, Chainhurst and Laddingford. Below are photos of some of the worst affected areas – many of them on or very near to the locations identified in the council’s Call For Sites. Several of these sites flood frequently but others do not – are these honestly the best locations to build 1000s of houses?
According to the Kent Online article, leader of the Conservative group on Maidstone Borough Council, John Perry, said:“I’ve always thought MBC conducting another ‘call for sites’ was a bad idea.It’s encouraged all sorts of daft building plans to be put forward.
“The pictures of water-logged and flooded land around Marden this morning simply underline this.We need MBC to speed-up the process of identifying and then rejecting the plainly unsuitable sites that have been submitted.
“Those around Marden and Staplehurst would be a good starting point.”

“Land North of Staplehurst” (site 226) flooding

Clapper Lane

“Land North of Staplehurst” (site 226) flooding

Flooding at site 318 Pagehurst Farm

Flooding at site 318 Pagehurst Farm
MPOG wishes to thank those who agreed to share their photographs.
I can’t see what the connection between the river bursting it’s bank at chainhurst and plain road have to do with the proposed sites off the Maidstone road ! These have flooded for as long as I can remember.
And you would never get houses built in such close proximity to such rivers !!
No one wants anymore new houses built in the village but with amenities such as the medical centre and school running at full capacity something has to give !!
Hi Stuart,
Our group is not just involved in trying to prevent the 2000 houses off Maidstone Road, we are also trying to prevent other inappropriate sites, for example the proposed 2,000 houses at Cross at Hand, just to the north of Marden. Your comment about developments not being approved close to rivers is not true, as you can see above some of the houses not even built yet in Marden are close to / have flooded. In many cases new builds are being erected on flood plains. Hope that clears it up.